Un cantec scris de John Connolly acum aproape 50 de ani. Porneste de la o veche legenda irlandeza – Fiddler’s Green este un loc mirific, unde merg marinarii obositi de cutreieratul marilor, un fel de capat al drumului lor ce a fost candva numai pe apa. Fiddler’s Green este raiul care i se cuvine fiecarui marinar ostenit, la sfarsitul existentei. Legenda spune ca orice marinar poate gasi un sat paradisiac atunci cand, mergand pe uscat cu o vasla pe umar, ajunge intr-un loc unde oamenii il intreaba ce cara cu el.
Barney McKenna, un veteran al The Dubliners (trupa aparuta…hat…odinioara… tocmai in 1962) simte fiecare cuvant si canta cu demnitate si cu acceptare senina. Senin. Intelept. Isi asuma sensul legendei. Si totusi, cu o sapca pusa hatru pe-o ureche. Superb.
In continuare, Fiddler's Green:
As I walked by the dockside one evening so fair
To view the still water and take the salt air
I heard an old fisherman singing a song
"Oh, take me away boys, my time is not long."
Wrap me up in me oil skins and jumpers
No more on the docks I'll be seen
Just tell me old shipmates
I'm taking a trip, mates
And I'll see you some day on Fiddler's Green
Now Fiddler's Green is a place I've heard tell
Where the fishermen go when they don't go to hell
Where the sky is all clear and the dolphins do play
And the cold coast of Greenland is far, far away
Where the skies are all clear and there's never a gail
And the fish jump on board with one swish of their tail
Where you lie at your leisure, there's no work to do
And the skipper's below making tea for the crew.
Now when you get back on docks and the long trip is through
There's pubs and there's clubs and there's lassies there too
And the girls are all pretty and the beer is all free
And there's bottles of rum growing on every tree.
Now I don't want a harp nor a halo, not me
Just give me a breeze and a good rolling see
I'll play me old squeeze-box as we sail along
With the wind in the riggin' to sing me a song
Si acum, un mic salt in trecut. The Dubliners in Norvegia, in vara lui 1980.
Induiosator Barney, cand il vezi si acum 28 de ani, cantand la fel. Neschimbat in pasiunea lui, doar parul nealbit si barba neagra il situeaza in alt timp.
De privit, ascultat, comparat. Cred ca Barney are nevoie de o singura rasplata: un zambet mare, bun si cald. Aplauzele le poate primi doar la concert. Apropo, The Dubliners vor fi pe scena la Vicar Street, in Dublin, la sfarsitul lui decembrie.